Daniele Masini
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E-privacy 2009

E-privacy 2008 

Il 22 e 23 maggio 2009 in Florence at Palazzo Vecchio (Piazza della Signoria, Sala Incontri) the annual meetinge-privacy will take place, proposing technical and law seminiars about privacy and security, this year according to the theme "Towards total control". On Saturday 23 the Big Brother Awards Italia 2009 will be delivered, negative prizes assigned to our privacy treader. Candidates can be freely proposed directly using the web page http://bba.winstonsmith.info/nomina.html or via e-mail to bba_nomination@winstonsmith.info.
For further details visit the following links

"Freedom, Not Fear!"

Freedom, not Fear 

On 11th of October 2008 the international action day Freedom, Not Fear 2008 took place in many European capital cities and elsewhere around the world, in order to demonstrate against the total retention of telecommunication data and other instruments of surveillance. We would like to recall the remembrance of the historical achievement of civil rights and liberties as a heritage of the Age of Enlightenment and to support the trust in security in our free society.
For further details visit the following links

E-privacy 2008

E-privacy 2008 

On 9th and 10th of May 2008 at Palazzo Vecchio (Piazza della Signoria), Florence the annual e-privacy meeting will take place, proposing technical and law seminiars about privacy and security, referred in particular to digital communities and data retention, this year. On Saturday 10th the Big Brother Awards Italia 2008 will be delivered, negative prizes assigned to our privacy treader. Candidates can be freely proposed directly using the web page http://bba.winstonsmith.info/nomina.html or via e-mail to bba_nomination@winstonsmith.info.
In such occasion I presented my talk "La privacy e le comunicazioni digitali" (download my slides [ODP format] [PDF format]).
For further details visit the following links

LinuxPerSec, Linux and Personal Security

On 16th and 17th of June 2007 in Verona, inside the I.T.I.S. "G. Marconi", P.le Guardini 1, the second edition of LinuxPerSec (Linux and Personal Security) meeting took place, organized by the Verona LUG, patrocined by Informatics Department of the Verona University. As usual, seminars are programmed on saturday 16th and will continue on sunday by Elisa's (the secretary) near the Garda lake.
In such occasion I presented my talk "Trusted Computing, miti e realtà" (download my slides [ODP format] [PDF format]).
For further details visit the following links

E-privacy 2007

E-privacy 2007 

On 18th and 19th of May 2007 at Palazzo Vecchio (Piazza della Signoria), Florence the e-privacy 2007 meeting took place. As every year it proposes seminiars about privacy and security. On Saturday 19th the Big Brother Awards Italia 2007 was assigned. Such negative prizes give an idea of our privacy level, more and more limited expecially by new technologies.
In such occasion I presented my talk "Trusted Computing, il controllo totale" (download my slides [ODP format] [PDF format]).
For further details visit the following links

Linux Day 2006

Linux Day 2006 

The 28th of october 2006 is the estabilished date for the sixth edition of the Linux Day, the national meeting promoted by ILS. It will be a free event and open to everyone, in order to promote GNU/Linux and free software.
In such occasion the FLUG organized a full day event in the Stazione di Confine Via Attavante, 5 in Florence, and I presented my speech entitled "Sicurezza, fiducia e Trusted Computing" (download my slides [ODP format] [PDF format]). I presented the same speech even on the meeting organized by the GULP in Pisa (download my slides [ODP format] [PDF format]).
For further details visit the following links

OpenExp - Free software meeting


From 29th of September 2006 to 1st of October 2006 a meeting about information technologies using free and/or open source software was been in Cerea (VR) Italy near Areaexp - Pavilion A.
The 30th of September 2006 I talked about "Security, trust and Trusted Computing", a speech (in italian language) about informatics security, trust and Trusted Computing whose slides are freely downloadable [ODP format] [PDF format].
For further details visit the following links

Day against DRM

Day against DRM

The 3rd of October 2006 is the day choosed by Defective by Design as "day against DRM" (Digital Rights Management). DRM are software for controlling and regulating uses of digital contents, but the control is invasive for users. In effect, a Disney Executive affirmed: "If consumers even know there's a DRM, what it is, and how it works, we've already failed" (for further details about DRM see http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Rights_Management).
For further details visit the following links

Meeting on free software at "Rototom SunSplash"

On Saturday 8th July 2006 at 16:30, during the "Rototom SunSplash" in Osoppo (UD), a meeting about free software will take place. And I will participate. The debate will talk about free software (with the projection of the "Revolution OS II" movie by Arturo Di Corinto) and Trusted Computing thematic will be briefly treated.
For further details visit the following links

E-privacy 2006

E-privacy 2006

The annual meeting about e-privacy took place on the 19th and 20th of may 2006 in Florence, Encounters room in Palazzo Vecchio (Piazza della Signoria, 1). The main themes of this edition of E-Privacy were the issues of Trusted Computing, data collection and retention, from the technologic and legal point of view, and technologies and software for privacy enforcement in communications. Partecipation was free and open to everyone.
During the meeting the Big Brother Award Italia 2006 has been issued.
On the 20th of May I presented "Sicurezza, fiducia e Trusted Computing", a talk (in italian language) about informatics security, trust and Trusted Computing.
Download my slides about "Sicurezza, fiducia e Trusted Computing" [ODP format] [PDF format]
The "Winston Smith - Guardian of the privacy" prize has been issued to No1984.org group for the activity on its information campaign about Trusted Computing (picture of prize delivering).
For further details visit the following links

Trusted Computing studying day

On the 12th of may 2006 in Milan, Informatics and Communications Department and Information Science Department - University of Milan (Via Comelico 39), a studying day about Trusted Computing took place. Partecipation was free and open to everyone.
I spoke about Trusted Computing and no1984.org.
Download my slides about "Sicurezza, fiducia e Trusted Computing" [ODP format] [PDF format]
Download my slides about "no1984.org" [ODP format] [PDF format]
For further details visit the following links

Linux Day 2005

Linux Day 2005

On 26th of november 2005 in the Stazione di Confine in Via Attavante, 5 in Florence the Linux Day 2005 was organized by the FLUG. It was a free event and open to everyone, in order to promote GNU/Linux and free software.
In such occasion I presented a speech entitled "Sicurezza, fiducia e Trusted Computing".
Slides can be freely downloaded [Slide (Impress - odp)] [Slide (PDF)]
For further details visit the following links

E-privacy 2005

A meeting about e-privacy took place on the 27th and 28th of may 2005 in Florence, Encounters room in Palazzo Vecchio (Piazza della Signoria, 1). Main themes was data retention and other privacy aclual aspects. International guests, as Nick Mathewson (the father of two of the major network privacy defense systems: Tor and Mixminion), partecipated.
During the meeting the Big Brother Award Italia 2005 has been assigned. The "Lamento del popolo" prize was won by Telecom Italia, followed by Silvio Berlusconi, Microsoft and Giuliano Urbani. Silvio Berlusconi won the "Bocca a stivale" prize for violating the privacy law sending SMS to million of people inviting them to go to votation. Winners of other prizes was Giuseppe Fortunato, Laziomatica, MIUR and the ministero degli interni, Microsoft and Stefano Rodotà.
For further details visit the following links

Linux Day 2004


On the 27th of november 2004 the Linux Day 2004 has been, the fourth Italian meeting about GNU/Linux and free software, promoted by ILS (Italian Linux Society). On that date, LUG (Linux Users Group) and other Italian association or group promoting arguments bind with free software have organized free and open meetings centered on such themes, in their own town.
I have presented "Libertà del software e non solo", a talk (in italian language) about software freedom and knowledge freedom, in Florence (in the morning) and in Siena (in the aftrernoon).
Download my slides [Florence (Impress)] [Florence (PDF)] [Siena (Impress)] [Siena (PDF)]
For further details visit the following links

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