Daniele Masini
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Fedora tips

Here are some suggestions to solve some problems I came across using the operating system Fedora (a GNU/Linux distribution), in order to share their solution with other users who have same problems, hoping that they will find it useful.

Connection problems with SMB/CIFS protocol

 Errore SMB/CIFS

In Fedora 31, trying to access by the Files application (the GNOME file manager aka Nautilus) to a server through the SMB/CIFS protocol, you can receive the error message shown in the figure alongside. Or from the command line you have

$ smbclient -L "//servername"
protocol negotiation failed: NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED

where servername is the name of the SMB/CIFS server to which you want to connect.

This is because, for security reasons, Fedora 31 by default does not try to access the server with the NT1 version of the protocol. To gain access to the server, it is therefore necessary to modify the file /etc/samba/smb.conf by inserting the line

client min protocol = NT1

within the [global] section.

See also the following link

Boot splash screen enabled with nVidia driver

 Boot grafico

After installing the proprietary drivers of the nVidia video card (present on the system), it may happen that in Fedora 31 the splash screen of the graphic boot is not displayed, but three white squares on a gray background, which is the plymouth tribar theme. To enable a nicer splash screen you have to make sure that the nVidia drivers are loaded by the kernel in the first moments of the boot. To make this possible, you have to

  • create a /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf file containing the row
    options nvidia_drm modeset=1
    which can be done, for example, with the command
    # echo "options nvidia_drm modeset=1" >> /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf

  • create a /etc/dracut.conf.d/nvidia.conf file with the following content
    add_drivers+="nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm"

  • check the plymouth themes installed on your system with the command
    # plymouth-set-default-theme --list
    choose one, for example charge, and set it as the default plymouth theme (splash screen during boot) with the command
    # plymouth-set-default-theme charge

  • update intiramfs/initrd image (this is necessary every time you change the plymouth theme) with the command
    # dracut -f

  • reboot the system with the command
    # reboot

On reboot you will notice the splash screen charge in action during the boot process.

See also the following links

Restore the functionality of the graphic terminal

After making the updates of the various packages provided by the Fedora distribution, it has sometimes happened to me that the graphics terminal no longer works (please note that I use the nVidia driver). By carrying out some tests, I noticed that the problem can generally be solved by opening a character terminal (by logging in as root) and typing the command
# dracut -f
which updates the initram (image used by the kernel to pre-load the modules used at startup) with the modules currently loaded on the system. Then, rebooting the system, for example with the command
# reboot
the graphics terminal should return to work.

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